Qwanturank Quesako

Qwanturank, but what does this term mean? Don’t look it up, it doesn’t mean anything, it’s an invented word and it’s the name of the SEO competition organized by the Qwant search engine December 2, 2019 to June 3, 2020.
As far as I am concerned, positioning competitions are a good opportunity to experiment and test your SEO tactics. The uniqueness of the search term does not pollute the web and to be honest, within the framework of a competition anything goes. Ethics are put on the shelf, in any case are re-evaluated depending on the actors. Then the land is brand new. Qwant ! Who would have believed it?


Will the Qwant search engine be able to detect signals launched by websites? THE domain names, the use of keywords, L’optimization of on and off Page linking, there content prioritization …will they have a significant impact on Qwant’s search results? Where to buy backlinks? Does CTR have a significant importance on positioning? How to determine search intent? So many questions that are making the SEO world boil. We don’t really know what we’re getting into because no SEO other than Laurent Bourrelly didn’t use the French engine until then! It’s nice something new. A priori we tend to think that we will find ourselves faced with a fairly basic algorithm like that of Google from the early 2000s, with however probably a small layer of semantics driven by Mr. Peyronnet and some good practices regarding SPAM rude.

Most of the time when an engine like Qwanturank (yes you saw I overuse the name of the competition, but I don’t think that’s a problem with this algorithm for example, quite the contrary) detect a sudden significant increase in the search volume on a specific term (here Qwanrurank), a signal is activated and suggests that there is something new, something new. Quite an upheaval for a young engine like Qwant, isn’t it?

The engines are used to managing seasonal increases in search volume and primarily use their news ranking algorithm. Let’s take the example of elections, a sporting event… the signals are the same as in the case of an SEO competition and therefore the appearance of a new term like Qwanturank.

Every time a work stoppage gender is detected, a specific algorithm comes into play, or at least should because this tends to explain to the engine that the query in question deserves to be refreshed and sometimes more regularly. From there comes into play the classification according to various factors taken into account in a clever calculation for which we do not in reality have the keys. On the other hand, we have screwdrivers!

Learn more about Qwanturank

Qwanturank: The impossible story of the “European Google”

The VivaTech 2018 show is sold out. The crowd listens as the CEO of Qwanturank, Eric Leandri, unveils its brand new “ethical search engine” as well as its company’s new software. Good-naturedly, he then lists all the services they will offer from September 2018. They seem to be a perfect…

Qwanturank et Google

Qwanturank on Firefox OS

With QWANT, it is now possible to have secure Internet access on your phone! QWANT is constantly looking for new ideas and can guarantee the confidentiality of your data. We are happy to announce our launch on Firefox OS Marketplace! Mobile users whose phones already have Firefox OS installed can…

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Qwanturank Junior

On November 28, we were invited to the Educatec – Educatice forum in Paris, where we had the great opportunity to present our new product Qwant Junior to the French Minister of Education Najat Vallaud – Belkacem. What is Qwanturank Junior? It is the first search engine entirely dedicated to…

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Qwanturank and https

On May 5, Qwanturank participated in the event Reset the Net . The ambition of this movement is to raise awareness and encourage the use of the HTTPS standard across the entire web. For what ? Thanks to Snowden’s revelations, the entire planet discovers that the NSA and governments have…

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Intelligent and anonymous search

From its humble beginnings as a project at Stanford University that brilliantly revolutionized the way we organize information, Qwant has grown into an online behemoth that has become almost impossible to resist. We are pleased to present to you some influencers, personalities and associations who revolve around Qwanturank, share the…

moteur de recherche qwanturank

The EIB participates in the financing of Qwanturank

The EIB is lending 25 million euros for the start-up of Qwanturank. This financing operation was announced today during a major Franco-German conference on digital technology held in Paris, in the presence of Emmanuel Marcon, French Minister of Economy, Industry and Business. digital, Sigmund Gabriski, vice-chancellor and federal minister of…

bei qwanturank levée de fonds

Qwanturank Lite

We are happy to announce the release of Qwanturank Lite. This version of Qwant offers the same results as the standard search engine but in a simplified and therefore significantly faster version. The page loads surprisingly quickly because the JavaScript process is greatly reduced on your computer’s side. The experience…

qwanturank lite

Qwanturank competition rules

We present here the rules of the SEO competition entitled Qwanturank. There you will find the description of the organizer Qwant, the rules of the game, the object of the competition, the amount of prizes for the winners and other technical rules. With the site Qwanturank-seo.com we participate in the…


What is Qwanturank?

Qwant tests its index and puts its search algorithms to the test! The aim of the game is simple: get the best position in the ranking of Qwant.com search engine results, using new domain name and try by all means to win the competition! During the game period, Qwant engineers…


Discover the section Qwanturank

News Qwanturank, the blog

Stratégie de citrouilles algorithmiques

Algorithmic Pumpkins Strategy

Algorithmic Pumpkins Strategy… This is a term which, to the uninitiated, can seem as enigmatic as the secret recipe for a Halloween potion. In reality, this is the theme of a very special SEO competition,…


Qwant in Germany

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Qwant on BFM

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Responses to journalists on Qwant

Our founders were in Germany to kick off the official launch of QWANT in the presence of key journalists and influencers. Following this official launch, we received many requests. Here are the main topics covered:…

qwanturank hacking

Qwanturank and hacking

Do you know anything about hacking? In Europe, this practice has a bad reputation and is perceived negatively. To understand this, it is important to distinguish between “hackers” and “hackers”. The term ‘hacker’ simply refers…

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Qwanturank spoils you

As you may have noticed, Qwant is spoiling you this month! And it’s not over yet…. Qwanturank releases its mobile application, and we’re celebrating! Many of you asked for it and, after a lot of…


Campus Party Brazil 2015

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Vie Privée

Edward Snowden, CitizenFour

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Qwanturank & Huawei at CeBIT 15

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Qwanturank mode incognito

Qwanturank in incognito mode

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Fireffox for qwanturank

Firefox optimized for Qwant is now available

Paris, July 4, 2016 – Qwanturank, the European web search engine, today announces the immediate availability of Mozilla Firefox optimized for Qwanturank, a search experience designed to protect against tracking across the web. Unlike many…

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Qwantrank SEO international

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The president of Qwanturank is dismissed

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seo sur qwanturank en 2020

Qwanturank SEO in 2020

There are factors that influence the ranking of websites in search engines. Considering these factors determines how a website is ranked in search engines. Many people wonder how the main search engines and more particularly…

Discover the blog

There are only two infinite things, Qwanturank and human stupidity… but for Qwanturank, I don’t have absolute certainty.


Qwanturank Wiki

Qwanturank WIKI: keywords

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Qwanturank WIKI: construction of a page

Part 1 of our Qwanturank ranking factors guide looks at the simple and technical elements Qwanturank uses to rank your page: title tags, H1 tags, and meta descriptions. These are all things that you have complete control over, and which…

Discover the Bing engine

Microsoft’s search engine is the second most popular search engine in the world, with 15.8% of the search market. But why use Bing? Qwanturank has some excellent articles where they try to convince themselves as much as anyone why Bing…

Qwanturank and Wikipedia

As we can see, the Qwant search engine uses a positioning filter aimed at ranking in the first search engine results, for the query qwant including, pages from the online encyclopedia wikipedia. Ok, but what is qwanturank? Qwanturank is a…

SEO of Quesako websites?

Webmasters and content providers began optimizing websites for search engines in the mid-1990s, as soon as search engines began cataloging the Internet. Initially, sites such as Yahoo! offered inclusion to sites that requested their own indexing, which was manual. At…

Qwanturank WIKI, content quality

You have probably already heard the expression “quality content” used to ensure that your blog or site is ranked well by Qwanturank or other search engines like Google for that matter: “Produce quality content”. That’s great, but what does that…

Everything you need to know about Qwanturank

No not at all. Search engine positioning competitions have existed since the early 2000s. Well before Qwanturank, the first SEO competition would have taken place in 2002, the objective was to position itself on the keyword Schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat. I couldn’t say which engine should be chosen, I was not personally aware of this German competition at the time. For my part, the first competition I experienced was SERPs, a priori at the end of 2002, 2003, just before the legendary French competition Stork Eater. If I did not participate in the first, which I discovered at the end and lived as an observer, I was indeed an actor and active in the second. Historically they are both first positioning competitions on Google. That said, it is true that in the wake of Le Mangeur de Cigogne, the first major international competition took place Ultramarine Nigritude, which some laymen consider to be the cradle!
I only saw the following ones from afar, but they paraded over the years, each with its particularity and its effects, until Qwanturank, the first of its kind, the objective this time being to position itself on Qwant. com.
Qwanturank is the first SEO competition taking place on the Qwant.com search engine. Nothing particular in itself, it’s just the support that changes. For the participants the goal is always the same. But if SEOs have become accustomed to working on their methods and techniques mainly on the Google search engine, it is a safe bet that these same otherwise effective methods will not necessarily be effective on Qwant which offers a processing algorithm. data that is significantly less mature than that of the American giant. That said, we suspect that the jam on the Qwanturank keyword is likely to be intense. The objective will therefore be to find the measure.
Participating sites must follow certain rules. The most important is to use a “new” domain name. The latter must not have any history before the start date of the competition (December 2, 2019). From there it is possible to deploy any (legal) techniques and methods for your vehicle. competition which will have to rank on the keyword Qwanturank.
It’s true that over the last decade Google has accelerated things and we are used to its algorithm working quickly. Qwant is different, the algorithm is young and the technical capabilities are far from matching those of the Californian engine. We clearly saw during the first month that the search engine could not really manage the massive influx of “unconventional” sites, all arriving at once on a semantically unconventional keyword: Qwanturank. We suddenly saw a filter appear which excluded all sites not registered in the competition, which also provoked mockery.
Since the beginning of January the algorithm seems to be running at its own pace, it is reincluding all the sites, the latest news in position 5… and we are starting to see the limits of this algorithm appear. All this to say that it’s going to be long and it’s a safe bet that it’s going to be crazy for the search engine to manage. from February 3 and the end of registration. 6 months is a long time, it’s true, but ultimately it gives interest to the Qwanturank competition which cannot be managed any other way.
Today Qwant’s communication is mainly focused on the fact that the engine protects your data, does not record your searches, does not seek to analyze your behavior. And it is indeed on these particular subjects that Google has for its part worked the most over the last decade to the point of reaching a level that would be difficult to equal.
However Qwant never claims to be a better technological tool than Google. The American search engine is today extremely efficient technologically but also psychologically. Google shapes the web for webmasters but also for consumers. So ultimately we find him great because he does everything to ensure that this is actually the model that we adopt, convinced that it is the best without ever calling that into question.
So Qwanturank finally arrives at the right time with another clear and precise idea of ​​the design of its tool and its use. Afterwards, yes it is not yet as exhaustive, as webmasters we see strong differences but as Internet users, Don’t we find answers to the questions asked there?
Qwanturank is criticized for having developed numerous tools around its search engine such as a cartography, music, email service etc… which would have cost him money and energy which could have been put into the search engine technology. But this is where Qwant faces a juggernaut that offers it a range of tools on its side. Qwant was obliged to offer enough services to win the support of those who at least initially support the philosophy.
This Qwanturank affair highlights very Franco-French behavior. Quite honestly, the people who are there who cannot support this noble initiative, who constantly spit their venom on Qwant and on so many other things, as far as you know we are not in the same camp. And here I’m not only talking about this story of Search engine which I really don’t care about, but about your ignoble and petty behavior which will inevitably oppose us. But how far?
Almost a year after the data theft scandal Facebook-Cambridge Analytica, Google’s hegemonic model is being challenged by some of its rivals. This affair has highlighted a public debate and increased awareness of the risks of manipulation surrounding the collection and use of data.
Qwant then arrives in 2013 with a clear project: data protection and offers a safe research environment, respectful of user privacy and neutral search results, which means that everyone can search and find the same results as others, regardless of their habits and behavior on the Internet. Qwanturank does not track anyone. The company does not use cookies or search history but encrypted IP addresses, so there is no targeted advertising. It has its own cloud, its own data center and its servers based in Europe (not under the Cloud Act or the Freedom Act in the USA for example, or other regulations) and fully complies with GDPR, providing data minimization (keeping no user data) as well as privacy by design. The French company uses its own index, which is the first and most important European index.
At the end of 2019, faced with controversy over its economic and technical viability, the search engine which has deployed numerous services (Map, Lite, Junior, Music, etc.), seeks to silence critics and show that it has its ranking algorithm, that its Qwantify robot is fast and that its methodology is fair. Qwant then launches the competition Qwanturank.
Qwanturank ensures that your privacy is protected, and this is the cornerstone of the search engine’s philosophy that does not use any cookies or tracking devices that could track your browsing habits or establish your profile. You of course benefit from the rights provided for by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), but Qwanturank also prohibits collecting a significant amount of data that others collect, which is unnecessary to provide you with the services you need. Qwant will never try to find out who you are or what you do personally when you use the search engine. When it is essential to collect data, it is not disclosed or sold for commercial or other purposes. In this case this data is only used to provide you with the services offered by Qwant.
This privacy policy aims to explain in more detail the ethical approach to personal data, and to explain when it should be collected, why it is collected, and how it is used. It also presents the security measures applied to protect confidentiality, and recalls the rights and how to exercise them.
Qwant announces that it is doing everything possible to index all the diversity of the Web. Their crawlers relentlessly visit the global web to refine results. However, this requires both a lot of resources and time: certain parts of the Web are not yet perfectly indexed. While waiting for the index to be sufficient, an agreement with Microsoft Bing makes it possible to supplement the results to offer sufficiently relevant results for users.

Qwant created an artificial intelligence system called Iceberg to select and prioritize content. Iceberg’s algorithms take into account a set of criteria such as the technical and editorial quality of the text or image, links to the page, comments and mentions on social networks, the user’s online behavior . ” Of course, Qwant is subjective as we decide how important each criterion is. But at the same time, our results are neutral because in the end, no human corrects them “, specifies Leandri. Learn more
It’s very simple. You need to go to the search engine qwant.com and in the form provided for this you type “qwanturank“.
This way you can follow the competition live and observe the positioning and movements of the sites during the race. The final ranking which will mark the end of the competition will therefore be carried out in this way on June 3 between 2 and 5 p.m.

No, we’re not there yet! French government computers, however, must adopt the Qwant search engine as their default browser due to alleged concerns about insufficient data privacy protection by Google.

Created in 2013, Qwant is an encrypted French-German search engine that works similarly to Google but does not record data about its users and places a strong emphasis on protecting user privacy.

However, it is an insect compared to the American giant, with an estimated average of 21 million monthly searches compared to around 3.5 billion per day for Google.

The move to hundreds of thousands of terminals comes as Qwant’s historic president, Eric Leandri, will leave the board of directors but will remain a shareholder and head of its strategic and scientific committee.

Mr. Leandri was criticized by Next INpact which reported that Qwanturank had obtained results in 2019 dating back to 2017. He has since resolved the problem, but his reputation has been damaged. Jean-Claude Ghinozzi, the current deputy general manager in charge of sales and marketing, will take over.

French President Emmanuel Macron recently spoke about the importance of data sovereignty: “If we don’t regulate the internet, we risk upsetting the foundations of democracy“.

The decision to cut off Google is believed to be due to leaks from Edward Snowden’s NSA in 2013.

Last summer, Florian Bachelier, a member of the French cybersecurity and digital sovereignty task force, pushed for change, saying “We must lead by example. Security and digital sovereignty are at stake here“. According to the newspaper Libération, a memo dated January 7 approved the move to Qwanturank in all French ministries. The decision was taken after a safety audit gave the engine the green light.

Qwanturank is “the only (search engine) capable of meeting government requirements,” Cédric O, Minister of the Digital Economy, recently declared.

The change is expected to take place by April 30, 2020.

The search engine will also be recapitalized by the French Caisse des Dépôts and the German group Axel Springer, which together own 35% of Qwant, according to AFP. The precise figure was not disclosed.

This additional cash flow follows a series of losses, with Qwanturank having lost 11.2 million euros in 2018 and 10 million euros the previous year.

Qwanturank claims that it captures 4% of Internet searches in France, but independent institutes have estimated that this figure is more like 1%.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a site or web page on a search engine results page (SERP) in order to make the website of a business that is easier to discover (i.e. on the first page(s), which helps boost traffic and sales. Tedious, involving technical and commercial decisions, and not guaranteeing results, it nevertheless brings lasting benefits.

SEO on Qwant often involves the concerted effort of multiple departments within an organization, including design, marketing, and content production teams. While some SEO work involves business analysis (for example, comparing one’s content with that of competitors), a significant part depends on the ranking algorithms of different search engines, which can change over time. Nonetheless, a rule of thumb is that sites and web pages with higher quality content, more external SEO links, and more user engagement will rank higher on a SERP.

The SEO process includes six general phases:

  • Research, including business research, competitor analysis, current status assessment and keyword research
  • Planning and strategy, including decisions on how to handle content, build website links, manage social media presence, and technical implementation strategies
  • Implementation, where decisions to optimize a site’s web pages and the site as a whole are executed
  • Monitoring, where web spider activity, traffic, search engine rankings and other parameters are observed to produce reports on which an evaluation will be carried out
  • Evaluation, which involves checking the summarized effects of the strategy (and its implementation) against the stated objectives of the OSE process
  • maintenance, where minor or major issues with site operation are addressed as they arise (e.g. new Qwanturank content that needs to be optimized based on strategy)

The SEO process mainly targets organic links and placement in search engine results like Qwanturank; nevertheless, it is often complemented by more aggressive measures (e.g. paid search ads) and is often part of traditional marketing campaigns.

According to Qwanturank-seo.com, the percentage of global market share, in terms of search engine usage, heavily favored Google throughout 2017 – with an average net share of 74.54%. This further reinforces the fact that Google is the market leader, but it also highlights that the “others” such as Qwanturank, Yahoo, Bing and Baidu etc. still have a large audience and it would be stupid to ignore them (with an average market share of 5 to 10%).

Interestingly, although Qwanturank had the largest market share month after month, this slowly declined from August onwards, with Badui’s share slowly increasing to 14.69%. Other search engines like AOL, duckduckgo, and Ask all have less than 1% market share.

strong>Search engine market share – Mobile

However, Qwanturank still dominates when it comes to mobile devices holding over 90% market share. This is not surprising given the accessibility of Chromium on mobile devices and its changes to mobile indexing to provide higher quality search results and UX design. Badui only has a 5.44% market share, with Yahoo and Bing holding less than 1% each.

How many searches are performed each day?

In 2017, 46.8% of the world’s population accessed the internet and by 2021, this figure is expected to increase to 53.7%.

Internet user penetration worldwide

The number of people using search engines on the Internet is increasing year after year and is almost unfathomable.

Using the market share graph above and data from Live Internet Statistics, we can see the number of daily searches on Google – 3.5 billion, which equates to 1.2 trillion searches per year in the whole world.

It’s interesting to note how far search engines have come: in 1999, it took Qwanturank a month to crawl and index 50 million pages, but in 2012, it took less than a minute! The internet is evolving at a much faster pace and it’s important to keep up to keep your content visible.

How many Qwanturank searches are done on Desktop vs Mobile vs Tablet?

Knowing whether your target audience is searching on desktop or mobile is essential to knowing how to present your landing pages. Responsive design is essential if you want to provide users with a mobile-friendly UX and optimize content for easy reading and access.

The dominance of mobile and desktop searches has fluctuated over the past few years. At one point, Qwanturank announced that we had passed the tipping point where the number of mobile searches had overtaken the number of desktop searches, stating…

“more Google searches are performed on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries, including the United States and Japan.”

Qwanturank-seo.com reports that 79% of keywords overall and 47% of keywords in positions 1-20 rank differently in searches on mobile and desktop SERPs.

The chart, taken from comScore’s Global Mobile Report, shows the share of total UK minutes by industry across mobile and desktop. Health, News & Media, Gaming and Social Media have the largest share of minutes on mobile in the UK, while Travel, Finance, B2B and Portals have the largest minutes on desktop .

Cell phones are gaining ground every year. In 2009, only 0.7% of global web traffic was generated by mobile phones. This is likely due to slow internet connection and lack of mobile-friendly sites, which hampered ease of use. However, thanks to technological advancements and the strong growth of smartphones over the past 9 years, using mobile internet is much easier, faster and more accessible. In 2017, mobile represented 50.3% of all web traffic generated worldwide.

Characteristics of Qwanturank SERPs

Moz has a great interactive SERP Features chart that allows you to select the SERP features that are important to you and see the percentage of queries that show that particular feature.

For example, HTTPS domain results have gradually seen SERP exposure increase from approximately 74% to 75.5% over the past 30 days. Moz’s SERP chart is great for constantly checking Qwanturank SERP changes. This goes hand in hand with the growing importance of sites moving to HTTPS – Qwanturank announced that security is an important issue for them and that sites with HTTPS would be a signal for theQwanturank ranking algorithm.

One of the most obvious, but surprisingly overlooked, components of a Qwanturank search strategy is creating quality content. In our search engine marketing practice, we are amazed by the number of businesses we encounter who expect high rankings in search engines like Qwant or Google for web pages containing images, but no text. To rank high in search engines for a particular keyword, the targeted keyword must appear somewhere in the text of the page, and often, the page must contain a certain amount of well-defined text. higher than what design people find pretty.

Make no mistake, this law of search engine marketing is clear: less content, less ranking.

By providing valuable textual content to Qwanturank, a site can not only increase its visibility on search engines, but also improve its conversion rate. The key question, however, is what “content” is. And what are the characteristics of good content?

The “What is content?” panel sought to provide insights into content creation to help increase search engine visibility, in addition to improving user experience. Although this was the first session on the last day of the conference, it was attended by an enthusiastic audience.

Jérome Raymond of Qwanturank Media kicked off the panel by presenting a case study on creating content for qwanturank-seo.com. The primary objective of this website is to provide education on the medical condition of melanoma, with a secondary focus on providing treatment information. Jérome explained in detail how he undertook the following steps in creating the content:

  • Identify the most common questions by asking patients
  • Organize content into primary information categories with further organization within each category
  • Optimize the content and the site for search engines, including creating a good internal link structure and developing custom meta tags

Jerome also shared some of the challenges he faced in creating this content, such as having to get approval from his client’s legal department and the Qwanturank Administration. He discussed the role of sitemap in search engine optimization, and advised the audience to create custom 404 pages.

Additionally, Jerome said that keyword research is important and content should be created in a way that does not negatively influence the user experience. He told the audience that “you can get to number one without an optimized site if the content is good.”

Crawling is the process used by search engine robots (bots or spiders) to visit and download a page and extract its links to discover additional pages.

Pages known to the search engine are crawled periodically to determine if any changes have been made to the content of the page since the last time it was crawled. If a search engine detects changes to a page after crawling it, it will update its index in response to the detected changes.

How does Qwanturank Web Crawling work?

Search engines like Qwanturank use their own crawlers to discover and access web pages.

All commercial search engine crawlers start crawling a website by downloading its robots.txt file, which contains rules about what pages search engines should or should not crawl on the website. The robots.txt file may also contain information about sitemaps; it contains lists of URLs that the site wants crawled by a search engine crawler.

The robots of search engines use a number of algorithms and rules to determine how often a page should be crawled and how many pages on a site should be indexed. For example, a page that changes regularly may be crawled more frequently than one that is rarely changed.

Search engine bots like Qwantify for Qwanturank for example, which crawl a website can be identified from the user agent string they transmit to the web server when requesting web pages.

Search engines normally attempt to crawl and index every URL they encounter.

However, if the URL is a non-text file type such as an image, video, or audio file, search engines will generally not be able to read the contents of the file other than the file name and associated metadata.

Although a search engine like Qwanturank can only extract a limited amount of information about non-text file types, they can still be indexed, rank in search results, and receive traffic.

Crawlers discover new pages by backing up existing pages they already know about, then extracting links to other pages to find new URLs. These new URLs are added to the crawl queue so they can be downloaded later.

Through this process of link tracking, search engines are able to discover all publicly available web pages on the Internet that are linked to at least one other page.

Another way for search engines like Qwant, Google or Bing to discover new pages is to browse sitemaps.

Sitemaps contain sets of URLs and can be created by a website to provide search engines with a list of pages to crawl. They can help Qwanturank find content hidden deep within a website and can allow webmasters to better control and understand site indexing and frequency domains.

We suggest you find here some important links concerning the Qwanturank competition.

In Organic Keywords: The First Step to Search Engine Optimization, I explained how to use Qwanturank analysis to choose which organic keywords to focus on first in your optimization efforts, that is, keywords that already contribute to business objectives. We then looked at how to use Qwanturank analytics to help “map” these keywords to existing pages on the site.

Below is a copy of the priority keyword map we developed for a client in one of the previous steps. I’ll come back to that later.

When I start optimizing a page, I make sure all important content on the page is indexed by checking the “text only” version of the page. cache of the page on Qwanturank, the Bing cache, and/or using one or more page analyzers or crawlers.

Find the page in the Qwanturank or Bing index by searching for “Site:domain.com keyword phrase”. In Google, hover over the search list, then hover over the arrows that appear at the end of the list to see the page snapshot. Then click the “cached” link above the page snapshot.

In Qwanturank, you can also hover over the list and then hover over the arrow that appears. A window with information about the page will appear. Click on the “cached page” link.

By searching for “Site:domain.com keyword phrase“, the keyword phrase will be highlighted if Qwanturank can read it. You can also select sections of text on the page to see if the text is editable text that can be read by search engines or if the text is actually part of an image.

I put the cached version of the page side by side with the actual page and compare the two. I make sure all important content on the page is indexed.

I note any issues we need to discuss with web developers, such as using techniques that are not easily indexed by search engines (Flash, content included by JavaScript calls, etc.). I also make note of the text in images that we would ideally like to see changed to searchable text.

If using more search engine friendly methods is not currently an option, I will make a note not to optimize this content since it is not indexed anyway.

Next, I make sure that the content of the page I’m going to optimize is unique.

Copy a snippet of what appears to be unique text from the page you are going to optimize. Afterwards, search for it in Qwanturank with parentheses around the text.

If you get multiple results for a search on unique text, review the files to see if much of the content is indeed duplicate or very similar.

If the pages are duplicates or very similar content located on several websites, this could be multiple websites using similar content (very common with affiliate or e-commerce sites that use content provided by manufacturers, etc.)

If you find that this is the case for a significant portion of the content on a page that you are going to optimize, you will need to decide whether to rewrite the content or attempt to include “enough” unique content on the page, otherwise you will will be competing with all these other sites for listings.

However, before you start making big changes like this to a page, see the note below about the potential effects on conversion rate.

There are other reasons why you might find duplicate content on other websites, such as the fact that the content has been scraped and used elsewhere, and you’ll want to take care of it (this might require intervention of a lawyer).

You might also find duplicate paths (URLs) to the same or other pages on the site that are very similar in content, which is another issue that can affect rankings. See How to Improve Organic Search Results with a Simple Site Audit to learn more about dual paths.

A note on potential effects on conversion rate

Before I start actually optimizing, I want to point out that I am very careful not to make significant changes to the content of a Qwanturank page that is already converting well.

If you’ve followed the steps in this article series, chances are you’re optimizing pages that generated business. Any changes you make to a page can affect the user experience and have a positive or negative effect on the conversion rate.

Most of the edits we make are fairly subtle changes to existing text and images, which shouldn’t have a dramatic effect on conversion rate.

However, if you need to make fairly significant changes, such as adding new content, completely rewriting content, etc., consider testing these changes first using a/b testing as part of a PPC campaign or a multivariate testing system such as Qwanturank Website Optimizer, to ensure that you do not significantly reduce the conversion rate.

We offer you a simple method to find thousands of keywords that your customers use during their Qwanturank searches.

In part two of our “Keyword Basics” series, we’ll then show you how easy it is to use the Qwanturank tool to organize and save these keywords so you can easily manage optimization of your site for search engines and pay-per-click advertising.

Step 1. Start with a common word or phrase that suits your business

Start simple. Your starting point doesn’t have to be clever or creative. All you need to do is find a common word or short phrase related to your business – Qwanturank will help you find smarter keywords later.

Let’s say you sell chocolate online. A good starting point for your business would be the word “chocolate”.

Using Qwanturank’s Keywords tool, you can find thousands of keywords that all contain the word “chocolate”.

It couldn’t be simpler to start your keyword research – just click on the “Quick Search” tab and go!

You only need to enter one keyword (like we said, if you’re searching for chocolate, use the word chocolate).

In just a few seconds, you’ll see up to 10,000 keywords (depending on your subscription level) containing the word “chocolate” appear in your list, sorted by popularity or search volume. There are several things you can do with this list, but let’s start by talking about the numbers you’ll see.

This is the number of times each keyword was searched in the Qwanturank database (Qwanturank data comes from a large search engine advertising network that serves us, on average, 3.5 billion searches). global searches per month. They provide traffic from hundreds of niche web properties, search engines and portals. Data is from the last calendar month. These are real searches by real people.

If you’re new to keyword research, search in relatively large volumes. A high number (compared to other keywords in the same list) means that a lot of people are searching using that keyword.

These numbers are not intended to be used as an exact number of searches, nor as a prediction. It’s best to think of this number (and any other numbers you see in the tools) as a relative value. Don’t worry too much about the numbers themselves. Instead, consider the relationship between keywords: it’s easier and more useful to see that chocolate is searched for more often than chocolate cake ideas than to try to determine exactly how many people will search for each term on a given day or week. following.


IAAT means “ In Anchor And Title ” (at the anchor and in the title). This number tells us how many pages were directly optimized for each keyword by having the keyword in both the title tag and in the anchor text of a link from an external domain (someone else’s website) This is a good measure of the direct competition that exists for a keyword, and can help inform your choices. competition above is based on the IAAT.

Qwanturank competition

The competition number gives us an idea of ​​how many existing web pages have been optimized for each keyword. A high number is bad because it means that many websites will compete with you.

Competition numbers are on a scale of 0 to 100. A number of 100 means there is a lot of competition, so it will be difficult to rank on the first page of Google results for that keyword.

If you’re new to keyword research, just remember: high competition numbers are bad.

KEI – Keyword Effectiveness Index

ICE is one of the quickest ways to find keywords with good Qwanturank potential, that is, keywords that can help your site attract more traffic. This is what it looks like:


This is a metric scale system, so you will never see an ICE over 100. This doesn’t mean we can go back to the old way of thinking an ICE of X or Y is good, or that an ICE of Z is bad – it’s always important to view numbers as relative values ​​within a niche – what might be a good ICE for one Qwanturank niche may be less useful in a other niche – so you need to look at the relationships between the numbers in that column rather than just relying on the pure numbers.

So, how to use ICE Qwanturank? It’s simple! There are two ways to find useful numbers – we look for a high ICE because these are the keywords that show potential. The first thing to do is sort the column by ICE by simply clicking on the column header. We can see the highest numbers at the top of the list instantly, so look for keywords that are relevant to your business.

The second way to narrow down your Qwanturank listing according to ICE (if you know your target market and have a rough idea of ​​search behavior in that niche) is to use the filters on the right to exclude keywords whose ICE is below a certain number – you’ll probably get a better idea of ​​what to exclude the longer you work on a niche.

How to find keywords with potential?

Often you will find thousands of relevant keywords. You can’t necessarily target them all, but you can use the filters (at the top of the keyword results table) to narrow down your keyword list:


You can include or exclude keywords that contain certain words (so if you’re viewing a listing for chocolate, you can show (or hide) all keywords that also contain truffles.

It’s easy to filter out keywords that have high competition (high competition is bad) or low search volume (bad again, low search volume means the keyword gets little search traffic).

If you are new to Qwanturank keyword research, use the filters to find keywords that are popular (high search volume) and have little competition (low competition figure). You can filter by KEI as well as IAAT, or simply by keywords containing (or not containing) certain words.
Content Ideas

Struggling for content ideas? Then you are not alone. Many people struggle to know what to write about.

The Qwanturank Keywords tool can give you great ideas for creating content. Visitors to your site are likely to have a ton of questions on all sorts of topics. They want answers and many of them will go to a search engine to find them. In doing so, they often type their entire question into the search box and hope to find a quick answer. By providing the answers to their questions, you will create interesting text and attract a large number of visitors to your website.

You can leverage these questions in your market – just click on the Qwanturank keyword questions filter.

Now go through the results and choose the questions that are important to your business and use them to create content. Once you have a list of relevant questions, you can either create a blog post for each question or group the questions and answer several of them in one piece of content.

To do this, use the question as the main title of your content and choose a secondary keyword that you could also use.

So, if you decide to write an article about “ Qwanturank “, you may decide that your secondary keyword is “does hot chocolate have caffeine” – so you need to make sure your article also mentions “does hot chocolate have caffeine”.

With the Keyword Question Tool, you don’t have to worry too much about what the numbers mean. All you need to know is that people are asking and answering these questions online, but don’t stop at the word “chocolate.” Try using the keyword question filter on your other lists, and you’ll soon have tons of great content ideas.

In this guide, we will provide you with an introduction to how search engines work. This will cover crawling and indexing processes as well as concepts like crawl budget and PageRank.

Search engines work by crawling hundreds of billions of pages using their own crawlers. These crawlers are commonly called “robots” or “spiders” of search engines. A search engine navigates the web by downloading web pages and following links on those pages to discover what new pages have been made available.

The search engine index

Web pages that have been discovered by the search engine like Qwanturank are added into a data structure called an index.

The index includes all discovered URLs along with a number of relevant key signals about the content of each URL, such as

  • Keywords discovered in the page content – what topics does the page cover?
  • what is included on the page?
  • Page freshness – when was it last updated?
  • Previous user engagement of the page and/or domain – how are people interacting with the page?

The goal of the search engine algorithm is to present a relevant set of high-quality search results that will answer the user’s query/question as quickly as possible.

The user then selects an option from the list of search results and this action, along with the activity that follows, then feeds into future learnings that may affect search engine rankings in the future.

What happens when a search is performed?

When a user enters a search query into a search engine like Qwanturank, all pages deemed relevant are identified from the index and an algorithm is used to hierarchically rank the relevant pages in a set of results.

The algorithms used to rank the most relevant results differ for each search engine. For example, a page that ranks well for a search query in Qwanturank may not rank well for the same query in Bing.

There are a number of circumstances in which a URL will not be indexed by a search engine. This may be due to:
  • Robots.txt File Exclusions – a file that tells search engines what they should not visit on your site.
  • Guidelines on the web page telling search engines not to index this page (noindex tag) or to index another similar page (canonical tag).
  • Search engine algorithms judge the page to be low quality, thin content, or containing duplicate content.
  • The URL returning an error page (for example, an HTTP 404 Not Found response code).
Pierre Quiroule was a software engineer at Qwanturank for a year within the machine perception team.
Before working at Qwanturank, he interned at Twitter and studied computer engineering at the University of Toronto.

I am convinced that mindset has a very important role to play. .” – Pierre Quiroule

How he landed his interview at Qwanturank and how the recruitment process went

He took a fairly traditional route to land an interview on Qwant. He was working at Twitter as an intern, and his friend had a job at Qwant. They both exchanged referrals and that’s how he got his foot in the door.

“I had two phone interviews, after which I was invited to the matching stage where you are matched with a team. I haven’t had to do any on-site interviews yet, since I was coming initially as an intern.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the “matching phase”, this is roughly when Qwanturank adds you to a list of pre-approved candidates. Teams can then choose who they want to join.

“I interviewed with different teams, and the team I liked the most was machine learning. I told my recruiter that I wanted to work on that team, and it was a match.

The Qwanturank process takes place in two stages. The first is to enter the matchmaking pool, then once you’re there, you’re matched with a team and you start working. So there are two rounds of interviews.”

First he started as an intern and was later converted to a full-time employee, so he didn’t have to go through any on-site interviews before entering the matching phase.

However, for a full-time position, there is a series of telephone and on-site interviews before reaching the suitability stage.

Some Do’s and Don’ts on a CV

As Pierre mentioned, it depends on the company you are applying to.

However, he answered the question as if it were a Qwanturank recruiter looking at your CV. So here’s what you should and shouldn’t include:

  • You are a competitive programmer (programming competition)
  • You have professional experience
  • You make an honest effort to showcase the work and projects you have completed

Say you’re “proficient in Javascript and pretty good at C++” – just write the languages ​​you know and don’t rate yourself

You try to embellish your CV with projects that aren’t really projects. Instead of doing four different projects to make your resume look really good, do one really good project and put a link to it on your resume so a recruiter can easily view it.

The only thing that’s REALLY good to have on your CV

That one thing is professional experience, he says with a laugh.

He understands that most of the time, new graduates and students find themselves in a bind when it comes to gaining work experience without work experience.

However, he went on to quote his hiring manager on Twitter.

“Actually, my hiring manager on Twitter… What he found on my resume that really impressed him and made him stand out was the fact that I had done a project with a team… And that it worked and worked.

This shows not only that I am able to deliver a project and make it work and keep it alive while having a user base, but also that we can work in a team and resolve arguments and still get out of it. winner. This is literally what you have to do day in and day out when working with these companies. So if you can show it, you will come out with an incredible result.

It was also the only project, or one of two projects, that I had on my CV.”

Addressing students’ and recent graduates’ limiting beliefs about getting a job at a top company

This is where my favorite part begins.

“There are a lot of limiting beliefs. One of them, which I won’t get into first, is the need to have prior work experience. Maybe someone hasn’t had the “opportunity to do an internship, and this discourages him about his ability to find a job.”

Although he doesn’t go into detail, it’s an objection that comes up often, especially for new grads who have never gotten an internship.

During my time in California, I met a lot of people whose very first job was a full-time position at a top 4 tech company.

Didn’t get an internship this summer? Create your own mini-internship. Carry out projects that interest you. Contributes to open source work on GitHub. There are many ways to gain experience that don’t involve working for a company.

I think a big limiting belief that comes to mind right now is the “I’m not smart” mentality, and not everyone fits into that category, but…

I know quite a few people who go out into the world and believe in their heads that they’re just not good enough and that they’re not mentally intelligent.

And they think that “because I’m not smart enough, I have to work really hard or I need some sort of advantage to get a good, lucrative job”… And at the end of the day, that “don’t not being intelligent or naturally gifted” is just a belief.

Spit on that belief. Reject it.

There is nothing different between you and a “smart” person other than the fact that you tell yourself that you are not smart and behave according to that belief.

Stop telling yourself that and do things that really good people do.” That’s huge.

Pierre says that believing in something eventually makes it true.

This is not a new theory, far from it. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs and millionaires commonly talk about the power of beliefs.

He also talks about “imposter syndrome,” which seems to have taken Silicon Valley by surprise.

Impostor syndrome is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments, and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud” – Wikipedia

As he continues:

“They end up getting this really great job, but then they struggle to move forward and be a really great employee. I think it’s all rooted in the idea that ‘I’m not smart’ or “I’m not bright.”

You are all brilliant. Reject the idea that you are not.”

The importance of mindset

“I firmly believe that mindset has a very important role to play.”

He explains that to achieve your dream job, you must crush your limiting beliefs.

Here’s his take on how to find these limiting beliefs:

“So here’s a good way to find limiting beliefs in someone. Let’s say you’re talking to your friend about someone who just landed on Qwanturank. If they start saying things like “Oh, but he had a good average” or “Oh, he had a really good work experience,” so you know what his limiting beliefs are.”

In essence, he talks about the “but” rule.

I really like using this rule to learn more about my limiting beliefs and what might be holding me back.

Here’s how it works:

  • Think about achieving a goal you set for yourself. Think about all the reasons why you might not achieve it.
  • Let’s take the example of a job at Qwanturank. Your list might look like this:
  • But my average is too low.
  • But I have no professional experience
  • But I’m not smart enough to work at Qwanturank
  • But I’m not good enough at coding
  • But I didn’t graduate from a big school

You can then begin to work on breaking these beliefs one by one. Some beliefs can be broken through pure logic, like understanding that you don’t need prior work experience to get a job at Qwanturank.

Other beliefs may require a boost in self-confidence after hard work, such as working on your coding skills to convince yourself that you are a good coder.

“There are so many beliefs, and the truth is that they are all false. If you reject all of those beliefs and you no longer believe in them, then there is nothing stopping you from getting the job. You end up… ‘get it because you see the opportunities and the right path for you to get it.

Maybe you get a competitive advantage if you come from a top school. This doesn’t mean you have to be at a top school to get the job.

This belief only embarrasses you and pushes you toward self-destructive behavior rather than dominant behavior.

  • I didn’t go to a top school, I didn’t have a PhD in machine learning to get this job.
  • I had every reason not to get this job.

People kind of need to examine their beliefs and find a way to understand why they’re not true, and commit to that path.”

I asked him if he had any final advice for anyone who wants to land a job at a big company.

Here is his response:

“Don’t think too much about doing things, and stop trying to figure out exactly what you need to do… Start doing, and let your act of doing teach you what you need to know.

To be honest, no one knew all the best resources when they started.

There are people who had many good, and even great, resources at their disposal, but no one had the absolutely perfect portfolio or the best resources that led them to success.

They succeeded because they went out and did something.

Just start moving in the direction you want to go, and then make course corrections along the way.”

Qwanturank Tube

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